Το Φώς Και Η Σκιά Του (Light And It's Shadow) is not exactly a band, it's a musical project from 3 members of the popular Greek band Last Drive in a more darkwave approach. Giorgos Karanikolas (Last Drive) voice and guitar, Alexis Kalofolias (Last Drive) bass and vocals, Raphael keyboards and Christos Mihalatos (Last Drive) Drums are the members behind this project. This self titled 4 track 12" EP was releashed by Wipe Out Records, all songs were written by Giorgos Karanikolas, mixed and produced in "Recording studio" in Octomber 1986.
Darkwave psychedelic sound with nice greek lyrics.
Giorgos Karanikolas - Voice / Guitar
Alexis Kalofolias - Bass and Vocals
Raphael - Keyboards
Christos Mihalatos - Drums
1.Μυστικές Εταιρίες
2.Το Φώς Και Η Σκιά Του
4.Αγάπη Χωρίς Ενθάρρυνση
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